Cryopreservation: Scientists Hope To Resurrect The Dead In The Future

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Death is a necessary requirement for every living thing but most people consider death as a single moment when a person is present, and then he or she is not. It is the turning off of life’s switch, typically registered as the moment that person’s heart stops beating.
Today, around 95% of death certificates use this event to note the time of passing, and for the vast majority of human history, this thinking reflected reality. If a person’s heart stopped beating, he or she had been issued a death sentence and in otherwords, there was no bringing them back but it will intrigue you to know that the whites are crazily working hard to be able to resurrect people who have died. This is what they call resuscitation science, some call it cryopreservation.
Now the question is would you ever want to do anything possible to resurrect your loved ones who just died?
While you ponder on that here is what I found out going through BBC, would we ever be able to bring the dead back to life?
It’s amazing how medicine is continually getting better so much so that Those who die today could be cured tomorrow and that can be made possible by the help of cryopreservation.
people are being frozen in liquid nitrogen with the hope of seeing some distant tomorrow or call it the future.
Well If this is new to you, then I will just tell you what cryopreservation is all about.. this is  a process where  cells, or the whole tissues, or any other substances predisposed to damage that is caused by chemical reactivity or time are preserved by cooling to sub-zero temperatures.
Here is how these scientists do it. The organization doing this is called Alcor and the president of Alcor is max more. Now, the company will have an idea of when their members are going to die so they maintain a watch list of members in failing health, and when it seems as though the time has come they send what they call a “standby team” to do just that – stand by the person’s bed until they die. “It could be hours, days, or more!
Once the person in question is declared legally dead, the process of preserving them can begin, and it’s an intense one. First, the standby team transfers the patient from the hospital bed into an ice bed and covers them with an ice.

Then they make use of a “heart-lung resuscitator” to get the blood moving through the body again. They then administer 16 different medications meant to protect the cells from deteriorating after death. Once the patient is iced up and medicated, they move them to a place for surgery.
The next step includes draining as much blood and bodily fluids as possible from the person and replacing them with a solution that won’t form ice crystals – and its essentially the same kind of antifreeze solution used in organ preservation during transplants. Then a surgeon opens up the chest to get access to the major blood vessels, attaching them to a system that essentially flushes out the remaining blood and swaps it with medical grade antifreeze. Since the patient will be in a deep freeze, much of the preparatory work involves trying to ensure that ice crystals don’t form inside the cells of the body. Once the patient’s veins are full of this antifreeze, these medical team can begin to cool the dead bodies down by about one degree Celsius every hour, eventually bringing the body down to -196 Celsius after about two weeks. And then eventually the body finds its final home for the foreseeable future: upside down in a freezer.
cryonics is unlike a lot of other futuristic technology. “it’s not like time travel.” You have got to know  that the science of tissue regeneration is steadily advancing. But nobody really knows when they’ll be able to wake these patients up, or if they’ll be able to at all.
As of today, 984 people are signed up with this organization to be preserved when they die. People who sign up for Alcor’s services pay a yearly membership fee of about $770. When it comes time to actually preserve a person the cost ranges from $80,000 to preserve just the brain up to $200,000 to preserve the whole body.

 Now if you had the money to bring a dead one back to life, would you do that? Do you think its even possible..?


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