How Deeply Do You Trust Your Parent Even When Accused Of Witchcraft??

Sunday, April 12, 2015
I will start by asking you, how your day went? I hope it went on well but if it didn’t, then I could make it happen for you in some way mentally engaging!
We are going to be talking about something rather sensitive tonight and I know of some children who have had to kill their parents out frustration and annoyance…
It has to do with, how much can you trust your parents… ? would you trust them when they are being accused of wizardry or witchcraft, maybe at their old age..?

While I was still a student in university of Uyo, I heard of a grown man in his early thirties who threw his old mother from a two storey building just because it was revealed to him that his mother was the one frustrating his progress in life.. and apparently that’s just not the only story I have heard… there are a couple; of how people burn their old parents because they thought they were witches and wizards….! And I think it has to do with trust and knowing fully well who your parents are and what they are capable of doing..

Now, the question to night is centered on if you would believe your man of God, who claims to see things and then he gives you facts and details on the events in your life,
The fact that you aren’t married at the age that you are in because of your mum or dad or that you aren’t capable of making it in life because of your parents… would you believe your man of God…!

And what would be your reaction upon that kind of revelation…?

How well do you trust your parents in the face of accusations surrounding them?  

On one of my radio shows, someone made mention of the fact that her man calls her mother as late as 2am in the morning instead of her and she is beginning to smell something wrong about it…
I was of the notion that it depend on the level of trust you have in your mother. If I knew my mother isn’t capable of sleeping with young men my age, then it will absolutely mean nothing to me, if my man called my mother at 2pm because I know she is not that kind of woman…
And some other guy called to object, saying that he loves his mother but he wouldn’t trust her completely because the only constant thing in life is change and people can change regardless of what impression you have of them….

So I challenged him with a question that he barely could answer which was, if your man of God that you believe in, comes to you with a revelation that your mother is responsible for all of the mishaps happening in your life or family; he gave you facts and details on various occurrences that had happened in your life and then he says that that sweet loving, ever caring mother is responsible for all of your problems in life, and you know how encouraging your mother has been to you through your trying times, what would be your reaction? 
Would you believe your man of God, or would you discard it as one of those cock and bull stories…
Bottom line, how much do you trust your parents????

Do you trust them to the point where when anyone says a negative thing about them, you stand your ground on what you know and don’t believe a single word…?


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